
WGA board approves deal, writers vote Tuesday

If the members vote to lift the strike as Writers Guild leaders expect they will, some writers could go back to work on Wednesday. As it is, show runners are being allowed back tomorrow. A mail vote on the three-year contract itself will be conducted over the next couple of weeks. Michael Cieply in the New York Times calls "an end to Hollywood’s long and bitter writers’ strike appears all but assured." WGA president Patric Verrone declared victory, naturally, at a Sunday news conference.

Verrone proclaimed that the deal's the best that the WGA's negotiated in the last 30 years and that the strike was the most successful work stoppage in the United States during the 21st Century. He also praised a trio of moguls - News Corp. president Peter Chernin, Disney topper Robert Iger and CBS honcho Leslie Moonves - for their efforts in hammering out a deal.

Mark Lacter, LAT, NYT, Variety, Finke

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