
Obama fundraising 'packages' for Hollywood get creative

obamajam-creshts-1011.jpgThe Obama Victory Fund is sending out an invitation to upcoming Obama reelection events offering Hollywood Democrats some options on how to get past their upset at the president's stance on SOPA and PIPA. From Tina Daunt in the Hollywood Reporter:

Donors willing to give $71,600 per couple will receive the “Platinum Package”, which entitles them to two seats at the Democrats’ five-event local 2012 speaker series, entry to a Jan. 31 reception for First Lady Michelle Obama with a photo opportunity and a February dinner with the president at a private home.

For $35,800 per person -- plus a $9,200 contribution to the Swing State Victory Fund -- Obama supporters can get the “Gold Package”, which includes one seat for speaker series, the reception and photo op with Michelle Obama and one seat at the dinner for the President.

The budget-priced “Silver Package” costs only $15,000 per person, which gets the donor a seat for the series, general admission to a February fund-raising event with the President, the reception and photo op with Michelle and a Feb. 1 luncheon plus photo op, again with the First Lady.

Daunt reported earlier that Obama is returning to Los Angeles for a Feb. 15 fundraiser. Bottom line for the rest of us: Obamajam.

LA Observed file photo: Obamajam on Crescent Heights in October

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