He'll get more Brentwood invites


There's a new name floated for the recall ballot just about every day now. Steve Lopez re-endorsed himself today, the L.A. Examiner guys are riding the Modesto town drunk and Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee says the best case would be for Richard Riordan to go up against Dianne Feinstein. Now Marc Cooper in tomorrow's L.A. Weekly tells of sitting through an awful performance by Bill Simon and adds a "populist candidate" to the mix: the party maven of Brentwood, Arianna Huffington.

Update 10:50 pm: Dan Weintraub floats another name -- Keith Richman, the moderate Republican assemblyman who last year won the election for mayor of the San Fernando Valley. Too bad for him that secession lost and it was all moot. Richman tells Weintraub he's thinking seriously of making a go.

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