Thursday shorts *

* Newer shorties at the end...

Charney• Big cover story on "self-described Jewish hustler" Dov Charney and his views of sex with underlings in the new Jewish Journal. The boss of American Apparel acknowledged "behavior that pushes the bounds of what is conventionally acceptable in a modern workplace. He speaks openly about having consensual sexual relationships at work, and claims that he is inspired to do better work when surrounded by women with whom he has relationships. More than that, he says his aggressiveness and his sexuality is the fount of his creativity — even the key to his success. 'I’m being demonized for being a human being,' Charney told a reporter. 'It’s very simple.... This is 2005, sex is now part of the fashion industry.'"

• Variety's Michael Schneider got strange email from a woman who claims that HBO has secretly cast her in "Carnivale." Schneider's weekly Hawaiian music show on KCSN (88.5 FM) is moving on August 5 to Fridays from 9 p.m. to midnight.

• Kate Berry of the L.A. Business Journal goes on KCET's Life and Times tonight at 6:30 to talk about why Los Angeles has fewer big public corporations than Troy, Michigan.

• Surfing around this morning I discovered that Marc Cooper also pretty much called Michael Kinsley's job change. He also critiques the Kinsley Year.

• Kinsley will sit for the keynote dialogue with Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, at the Batten Awards for Innovations in Journalism on Sept 12.

• Material from The Huffington Post will start being syndicated by Tribune Media Services on Sept. 12.

• Mack Reed takes on the PETA brigades over at The topic is poisoning of squirrels in Santa Monica's Palisades Park.

•  The Horseback Riders links to the info on the Hawaiian Gardens gang member charged with killing L.A. County sheriff's deputy Jerry Ortiz, whose full name was Luis Gerardo Ortiz.

• City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo talks up neighborhood prosecutors in Blueprint, the magazine of the Democratic Leadership Council. (tip from BigIdeas4LA) Scratch it. The link they picked up is from 2002!

More by Kevin Roderick:
Standing up to Harvey Weinstein
The Media
LA Times gets a top editor with nothing but questions
LA Observed Notes: Harvey Weinstein stripped bare
LA Observed Notes: Photos of the homeless, photos that found homes
Recent stories on LA Observed:
Standing up to Harvey Weinstein
The Media
LA Times gets a top editor with nothing but questions
LA Observed Notes: Harvey Weinstein stripped bare
David Ryu and candidate Mike Fong
LA Observed Notes: Photos of the homeless, photos that found homes
Volleying with Rosie Casals
Lloyd Hamrol
Previous story: Salmonella 90210

Next story: 'Day to Day' turns 2


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