
A man and an alligator walk into a bar

OK -- man, alligator, bar. The patrons freak out, the Huntington Beach cops get called to Johnny's Saloon, and even though this all happened on Saturday night, word about the escapade has just begun to trickle out.

And to keep Kevin from swearing he'll never loan me the front page of his lovely blog again, may I add some actual news:

Our own Mark Lacter blogs about whether we're already seeing signs of an economic recovery.

TJ Sullivan has a take on the fake quake. (Sorry.)

Janice Hahn is revving up her re-election bid tomorrow morning at a San Pedro waffle shop.

Sandra Bullock's stalker gets probation.

A former (and fired) aide to Barbara Boxer is facing porn charges.

The LAFD needs help with its holiday toys program for needy kids.

HBO is about to hit the jackpot with a documentary about the Obama presidential campaign.

--Veronique de Turenne

More by Veronique de Turenne:
A little bit of mid-week reading
News about the news *
A few links from a few different places
Ups and downs in the local media landscape
Let's talk about anything but the weather
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Monday notes: Politics, media and place
News and notes for a Tuesday
End of the week desk clearing
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