Turning left in L.A.

Grady Miller writes in the LAT's Weekend Calendar about a challenging rite of L.A. life, the left turn:

In the asphalt labyrinth called Los Angeles, the left turn is one of the last refuges for automotive freedom and the operation of honest judgment. Most remarkable of all, it demands a naive faith in the intelligence and driving skills of our fellow human beings.

Sure, the L.A. left turn still spooks the faint of heart. But we, the proud and bold of Los Angeles, live with it day in, day out. So put your cares away, close your eyes, light a cigarette if you like, and don't put down that cellphone, whatever you do — go ahead and make that wild left turn.

I believe insurance companies have a term for the left-turn crash he's in at the top of the piece: his fault.

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