LA Observed

Time for a new look

You may have noticed a few changes on the site. We're part way through a thorough freshening of the pages at LA Observed. There's more than 10,000 of them, so it's taking a bit longer than expected. Monday morning, though, felt like the right time to unveil the new front page. The design accomplishes a few goals that I've had for awhile. One is to make it easier to find the great content posted elsewhere on the site. Another is the flexibility I'll have to do more with photos, video and other features that are in the works.

Sweeping out the old design also gave me the impetus to finally bump the long rolls of links off the front page. They'll still be here — those and more, updated and checked — but they will be better organized and I think more useful. Be patient, though. It could take me a few more days to get them in the shape I want.

Finally, I was just tired of the old look. I hope you like the direction we're going — definitely a work in progress, like the previous redesigns, so let me know what you think. If your page seems wildly out of whack and you're on a PC, try pressing Control-F5 to reload the style sheets. I don't know the command on a Mac, but the pages look great in Safari.

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LA Observed Notes: Photos of the homeless, photos that found homes
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