And now starring, Mrs. Tom Cruise

Yeah, that's Katie Holmes and apparently her reps at CAA have been trying to get her back into the game after she took time off to have a kid and marry a superstar. But it might not be so easy. WSJ's Kate Kelly reports that Holmes turned down the sequel to 2005's "Batman Begins," and other roles are not so easy to come by at the right price. Part of the problem is that she's been out of the circuit for a while, and in Hollywood, it's never a great idea to disappear. Just ask Meg Ryan and Demi Moore.

Yet Ms. Holmes has an added problem: her relationship with Mr. Cruise has been a tabloid free-for-all from the moment it started, generating negative publicity that may make studios more reluctant to take a chance on her. Unlike, say, Russell Crowe, who garnered a ream of bad publicity from throwing a malfunctioning phone at a New York hotel employee, Ms. Holmes's trouble stems simply from getting involved with a fellow actor who himself has generated controversy -- certainly no crime. But the impact on her job prospects could be similar; Mr. Crowe's career appears to have veered off track since his eruption.

Holmes is now looking at a role in "Mad Money," which is being directed by Callie Khouri, who wrote "Thelma & Louise." Sounds pretty good - a comedy about three female Federal Reserve workers who pull a scam to pocket old currency before it's destroyed. But the film is only budgeted at $12 million, which means that Holmes will have to slum it for a mere $250,000.

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Mark Lacter
Mark Lacter created the LA Biz Observed blog in 2006. He posted until the day before his death on Nov. 13, 2013.
Mark Lacter, business writer and editor was 59
The multi-talented Mark Lacter
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