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Morning Buzz: Monday 2.6.11 *

Rick Caruso leaves the Republican Party, Jim Newton goes to a Supes meeting, city reduces Occupy LA damage bill, Sacramento Bee fires its altering photographer, Miramonte Elementary closes for two days plus more.

Best books published in California in 2011

Critic David Kipen's list of his favorite California-published books of the year includes "Los Angeles Stories" by Ry Cooder, "Tomorrow is Another Song" by the late Scott Wannberg, "Car-Free Los...

A month later, LAT discovers Barnes & Noble closing

barnes-noble-window-clearan.jpg LA Observed readers have known since October about the Westside Pavilion store shutting down.

Barnes & Noble Westside Pavilion: R.I.P. *

barnes-noble-westside.jpg Hushed talk has been around for a few weeks, but now the red clearance signs have gone up — 30 percent off on a lot of books — and store clerks acknowledged the news today.

Morning Buzz: Friday short stack 9.9.11

Another bill to ease CEQA, ignoring City Hall audits, speculation on Yaroslavsky and more.

Weekend book notes

ltla-logo.jpg What Southern California is reading this week, plus the new season of Live Talks Los Angeles and a book sale.

Morning Buzz: Thursday 8.24.11

Villaraigosa woos Hollywood, Feinstein doubts the subway money is there, S.A. Griffin and the Times on Scott Wannberg, CBS web writers sign a guild deal and most ridiculous parking sign ever?

Couple more nice tributes to Scott Wannberg

Anyone who lived on the Westside of LA in the 80’s and 90’s and who read books knew Scott Wannberg, says Richard Rushfield.

Scott Wannberg, poet of Dutton's was 58

Wannbergcrunch.jpg Scott Wannberg, a member of the traveling poet troupe known as the “Carma Bums” and a 23-year employee of the late Dutton's Brentwood Books, died Friday of an apparent heart attack in his recent hometown of Florence, Oregon.

It takes a bookstore

A few hundred fans applauded Dutton's Brentwood Books on Sunday afternoon, filling the courtyard where so many authors have spoken on their L.A. tours. The store closes April 30, and...