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Veronique de Turenne

The Muffinhead in love

It wasn't much of a surprise that when Jake passed away, Maisie mourned. How long her sorrow lasted, and how deep it was, that was startling. And though at first she was loath to give up her "I am the puppy here" throne to little Walt, those days are gone.

Here's Maisie with her beloved Jake on the Hut Road in the Cove:

jake and maisie hut road

And here she is with Walt yesterday:

Look who fell in love

It's been a long, long time -- 18 months, to be exact -- since she has smiled like that. And look how Walt is smiling with her.

In other news, here's how they spent the better part of an hour yesterday:

She's letting him win

Maisie and Walt wrestle

And my personal favorite (it's the Tiny Labrador's back legs that get me) :

Maisie's tail is wagging so hard

Next entry: August? Already??

More by Veronique de Turenne:
Good night, 2016
Congratulations Lidia and Dan!
Rain and maybe more rain
Weather on the way
Sunset light
Previous story: Tiny horses on PCH

Next story: August? Already??

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