LA Observed: Los Angeles media, politics and sense of place since 2003
Right of Way 10
Just trying to save the taxpayers some money.
INT. MAYOR’S CAR – IN THE DRIVEWAY – NIGHT Napolitano gets in the driver’s seat. Celeste picks up something in her way on the floor. It’s the manila envelope he retrieved in the tunnel.
I wanted to talk to you about that. Take a look.
She begins to open the envelope as he backs out of the driveway --


Larry is relieving himself at a urinal. There’s a KNOCK on the door.

Be right out.
Another KNOCK, which Larry ignores. The door rattles violently.
Try Proscar, asshole!
As the door continues to shake, Larry finishes up and throws some water on his hands at the sink. He dries off, studies his face for a beat in the mirror and unlocks the door. A big guy in a hooded sweatshirt emblazoned with RANNOCH MOOR stands blocking his exit.
You got a problem?
Rannoch chest-butts Larry back into the restroom, locking the door behind him. Larry is still calm, steadying himself for a fight. Rannoch lifts his right hand, which holds a brick-sized hunk of what looks to be dung.
Jesus, man, couldn’t you wait?

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Eric Estrin