LA Observed: Los Angeles media, politics and sense of place since 2003
Right of Way 81


As Napolitano exits, bright sodium security lights come on, setting the vast, orderly lawn of the Order ablaze with illumination. Sprinklers are running everywhere, providing a canvas for a riot of arcing rainbows.

Napolitano sloshes quickly through the trees toward the compound's side gate. Peripherally, he notices a SECURITY GUARD in a golf cart rolling up a nearby path. As the Guard approaches, Napolitano slips on the wet ground and falls on his ass.

Mister Mayor...?
Give me a hand, will you? I did something to my back.
I'll call for help.
I don't need a goddamn ambulance. I just need to get... up...

He tries to raise himself, but YELPS in pain and settles onto his hands and knees. He extends a hand toward the Guard.

Here, if you'll just... Aagh!

Another painful groan. The Guard puts down his radio and hurries over to help.

You guys have good insurance here?

As the Guard reaches to aid him, Napolitano, suddenly pain-free, kick-sweeps his legs out from under him on the wet grass and runs to the abandoned cart. The Guard rights himself and gets on his radio.

Napolitano zips off in the cart toward the gate, then quickly veers off onto the grass when he spots the Gate Guard running toward him, shouting into his radio. Another Guard emerges from a shed in another cart and barrels after him too.

Napolitano speed-dials a call on his cell phone as he races away from his pursuers. We hear SIRENS in the distance and SHOUTS from the approaching security guys, who are growing in number.

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Eric Estrin